Friday, November 30, 2012

Message from SDRA

Qualifiers are fast approaching!  Just so you can put it in context – there are a lot of regions where they are holding their CHAMPIONSHIP this weekend.  Yep, they are already past Qualifiers and competing in their final event for the year.  Scary, huh?

As you prepare, just remember a handful of things to keep you sane!

1.       They are meant to be celebrations of your work over the season.  Have fun!
2.       Don’t forget your consent forms (one for each participant, including coaches and mentors) and your team profile sheets (4, one for each set of judges and one to show the MC)
3.       Bring your $25 registration fee (cash or check, made out to SDRA or SD FLL)
4.       Remember to bring your team’s robot, attachments, and charger (or spare batteries) to the event!
5.       Bring any needed Project supplies (check your coaches handbook for supply checklists!)
6.       Communicate with parents about the meal (do they need to supply money, sack lunches, etc)
7.       Read any emails from your tournament directors giving directions or asking for responses
8.       Consider asking some of the parents to act in an official capacity, helping you get the kids from one place to another.
9.       There are a lot of teams that feel “not ready,” so don’t worry if you’re among them!  Don’t expect to be at Championship level.  Remember where you were this time last year, or if you’re new this year, where you started and how far you’ve come.  The judges know that it’s early, and they will be looking for teams that show great potential.
10.   Have fun again!

As always, we’re here to help.  Your local event coordinators can answer many of your questions, but don’t hesitate to ask me as well!  Good luck to all the teams!

Love always,


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What to expect in the judged rooms .. .. ..

I was asked to describe what to expect in the judged rooms at an FLL tournament, here is my best descriptions.


Some people refer to this as the teamwork room.  The students will come into the room and the judges will describe for them a challenge.  The students will then have 5 minutes to brainstorm and work on the challenge.  At the end of 5 minutes the judges will stop them and have a 5 minute question period.  They are mostly evaluating the students on their teamwork.


This is the room where the teams will present their research project that they have been working on.  Again there will be a question period at the end.  If you are not familiar with the rules.  The teams have 5 minutes for their presentation.  The time starts when they enter the room.  The students must setup anything that they are bringing into the room as far as props or computers.  If you are using a power point with a projector, make sure it is booted and ready to go when you walk into the room.


The students are evaluated on the design and programming of their robot.  When they enter the room there will be a playing field just like they have been working on all season.  The judges will ask them usually to show one of their programs and ask some questions about how the season went and who primarily worked on the programming.  At the state level this year they are asking for an executive summary, I really don't know what that means but I assume it would include hard copies of their programming, mission planning and a discussion of what went right and what didn't go right.

The scoring rubrics are available on the FIRST sight if you want to look at the individual areas that they are evaluated in.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The COOL awards

In additional to each student receiving a participation medal, awards will be given out in each of the following areas:

Robot Performance
Robot Design and Defense
Project Research
Core Values
Champion's Award

I have been burning the midnight oil to make the "coolest trophies ever" for these winners, take a look!!

We are totally not ready. Should the team still attend?

None of our teams are ready either.

If all your robot does is cut cookies for two and a half minutes.


We only have one mission programmed that only delivers the blue quilt squares some of the time.


Our research project never really got off the ground.


We haven't shared our research with anyone.


There is no way this group of kids will be successful in the teamwork room.


The entire team has a deadly contagious illness.

OK, STAY HOME  (That was a joke)

It is not about what we win, it is about what we learn.  After several years of experience I can tell you it is the teams that do not win that are the most successful in subsequent years.

What do we need to bring???

You will have access to power at your pit area, but you might want an extension chord. You will need the signed consent forms, the team profile sheet and your registration fee.  You will obviously need your robot and anything you have put together for your research presentation (props, costumes, etc.)  The students will need to bring their robot to the Design and Defense Room.  May also be helpful to have a print out of their programming for this room.

Will there be food and drinks available?

We will have a concession stand where food may be purchased.  The menu for the day includes pulled pork sandwiches and walking tacos.  Additionally the Mission Coffee House will be open for any coffee purchases.

What is the timeline for the event?

Registration will begin at 9 AM

Brief introductory meeting at 9:45 AM

First Session will begin at 10 AM

You will either be in the judged room half or the robot game half

Formal lunch break between 12:00 and 12:30.

Second Session will begin at 12:30 PM and run until 2:30 PM

If you were in the robot game the first half, you will be in the judged rooms the second half and visa versa.

Judged deliberation and robot drag race 2:30 PM until 3:30 PM

Awards 3:30 PM until 4:00 PM

Which teams are attending the tournament?

Team Number Team Name City
3230 Cyber Ninjas Brookings
3232 The NXT Generation of Knights Brookings
3229 Robotic Flying Waffles Brookings
3228 B.L.T. Brookings
3227 Mickelson's AllStars Brookings
15377 Purple Mindstorm Men Flandreau
14834 Tigers 2 Harrisburg
1490 Omnitechniks Sioux Falls
9502 Lego Launchers Garretson
13316 Senior Citizen Squad Sioux Falls
9866 Chargerbots Sioux Falls
11486 The Nursing Homies Watertown
9870 Charger Brickbrigaders Sioux Falls
9874 Warrior Cats Sioux Falls
15375 SOI 2 Sioux Falls

Where is the tournament being held??

The tournament will take place on December 1, 2012 at the First Lutheran Church, affectionately refferred to as the "Touchdown Jesus" church at the North end of Main Street.

Link to First Lutheran Church Website:
